點擊次數:2516 更新時間:2011-10-26
整機介紹 Introduction of the Complete Machine
我公司生產的壓樣機是X射線熒光光譜儀的配套設備。ZYP-400KN,ZYP-600KN型壓樣機采用內模壓樣方式,操作方便、效率高、性能穩定可靠。 The sample pressers manufactured by our company are the matching equipment of X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. ZYP-400KN and ZYP-600KN Sample Pressers are adopted the methods of internal mould sample-press, with features of easy operation, high efficiency and stable and reliable performance.
產品結構特點 Characteristics of the Products
●內模式壓樣,壓頭行程100毫米。可用於硼酸、鋼環、鋁杯、塑環等各類壓樣方式,適用範圍廣,工作穩定。 Adopted internal mould sample-press, pressure head travel is 100 mm. The products can be used for various kinds of sample-pressing methods such as boric acid, steel ring, aluminum cup, plastic ring etc., with characteristics of broad scope of application and stable working.
●*的緩加壓、慢退模程序更有利於保證壓樣合格率、提高壓樣樣品質量。 With specific programs of slow pressurization and slow mould-release, the products are favorable to ensure acceptance rate of sample-press, improve sample quality of sample-press.
●特別設計的集成液壓管道模塊不僅使組裝更加方便,而且減少了漏油機會。 With integrated hydraulic pipe block being specially designed, it not only makes assembling easier, but also reduces the chance of oil leak.
●加厚的油箱蓋板使油泵和電磁閥的動作噪音更小。 With thickening oil-tank cover-board, it makes acting noise of oil pump and solenoid valve smaller.
●采用由可控矽集成的固態模塊替代傳統的接觸器避免了由於電機頻繁啟動而引起的各類故障,有效提高了該部分的使用壽命。 Adopted solid-state block of integrated silicon controlled to replace traditional contactor, it avoids various kinds of troubles caused by frequent starting of motor and efficiently increases service life of this section.
●繼電器控製部分采用印刷板焊接結構,減少了控製箱的接線,提高了電器控製的可靠性。 The Control section of relay is adopted the welding structure of printed circuit board, it reduces wiring of control box, improves reliability of electric control.
●控製電源全部采用低壓24V,工作更加安全可靠。 Control power source is fully adopted low-voltage of 24V, which makes work safer and more reliable.
●結構緊湊,占地麵積小。 With compacting structure, small floor space.
技術指標 Indicators
ZYP-400KN | 技術參數 |
zui大壓片壓力 | 60tf (噸) |
模具 | 硼酸、鋼環、鋁杯和塑料環 |
壓頭zui大行程 | 100mm |
壓片保壓時間 | 0~999 秒 |
供電電源 | 380V |
額定功率 | 1.3kw |
外型尺寸 | 1180x720x530mm |
淨重 | 420Kg |
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